Dual Fuel Extended Runtime & Diesel Fuel Displacement


Diesel Fuel Displacement

Diesel fuel compression ignition engines retrofitted with the dual fuel kit use natural gas as the primary fuel. The advantages are both economic and environmental. Typically, 50% to 70% of diesel fuel normally used can be safely displaced with natural gas. The OptiBlend™ system is designed to allow for fuel switching during full or partial load conditions without interruption of engine speed or power. Displacement of diesel should never exceed 70%. Typical is 50% to 60%. It is not recommended to exceed 50% displacement at 100% load. 

  • Bi Fuel Gas Train Bi-Fuel Diesel Engine Conversion - OptiBlend bi-fuel retrofit system uses a gas train & electronic software device to constantly monitor engine performance & gaseous flow for safe & efficient operation.
  • bi-fuel diesel engine conversion Optiblend Bi-Fuel Diesel Engine Conversion - Adding a secondary gaseous fuel such as natural gas, propane, methane or hydrogen extends runtime, lowers operating costs & reduce CO2. ROI happens in weeks, not years.
  • Bi Fuel Gas Train Bi Fuel System Components - OptiBlend bi-fuel retrofit system uses a gas train & electronic software device to constantly monitor engine performance & gaseous flow for safe & efficient operation.

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OptiBlend :: Savings & CO2 Offset Calculator
Generator Size (KW)
Generator Load
Gallons / hr
$ / Gallon
$ / Hour
$ / Day
$ / Year
CO2 total lbs

*calculation assumes 70% displacement, 1 Gallon CNG = 5.66lbs , Diesel Equivelant = 6.384 lbs
**calculations are based on your input data and are approximations