Why OptiBlend®
Proprietary Mixer Design and Fuel Control Valve
The Air-Gas Mixer design and Fuel Control Valve (FCV) are unique to Eden Innovations LLC and the OptiBlend® system. Together, the mixer and control valve are able to deliver different air-gas mixtures to your engine as an almost instantaneous response to changes in load. Due to our proprietary control software and comprehensive commissioning, you can be sure the gas utilization is optimized throughout your operating range.

Air Gas Mixer (AGM)

Fuel Control Valve (FCV)
OptiBlend® System Advantages
Zero pressure system
The OptiBlend® system relies on induction air to deliver fuel to the engine. This is much safer than positive pressure systems, which can mistakenly force too much gas to enter the engine, potentially causing engine damage.
Robust Hardware
The OptiBlend® kit is specifically designed to handle harsh environments.
Cold Weather Options
The kit offers a cold weather package (optional) which allows operation down to -40 ˚F. Normal temperature limits is 5 ˚F.
Lower Emissions
OptiBlend® is able to meet or exceed all emission requirements (including CO when paired with a diesel oxidation catalyst) of the engine’s original certification.
OptiBlend® PLC and FCV Proprietary Software Provides
Automatic system operation with engine start.
Most efficient use of alternative fuel by maximizing substitution over the entire load range.
The ability to use alternative fuels of various quality and energy content.
Continuous feedback loops constantly monitoring engine parameters via J1939 to maintain safety of the your engine.
Cellular or satellite based remote monitoring capabilities (optional).
Engine Safety
OptiBlend® is the only system on the market that can ensure substitution rates and engine safety when using variable source and quality inlet gas.
Comprehensive Warranty
If your engine is damaged due to the malfunction of an OptiBlend® kit, we will repair or replace your engine*. NOTE: We have never had to repair or replace an engine.
*1 year warranty unless customer purchases extended warranty.
How long does it take to install an OptiBlend® kit?
Depending on your engine size, we can complete the installation and commissioning of your OptiBlend® kit in three to four days. Our technicians will meet you onsite to install the system and calibrate the controls, ensuring optimal performance with your specific engine. After installation, we guarantee at least 50 percent diesel displacement.
Above – OptiBlend® Air Gas Mixer Installed
Achieve ROI in 250 Runtime
Hours or Less.
Save thousands of dollars every day by using up to 70 percent less diesel fuel. By displacing diesel fuel with natural gas, you can realize 100% ROI on your retrofit in less than a month. See how fast you can recoup your OptiBlend® investment by consulting the above chart.
Compare OptiBlend®
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