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Bi Fuel Generator Cost Savings

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dual fuel savings optiblend

Dual Fuel Diesel Fuel Cost Savings


Diesel Fuel Cost Savings

OptiBlend dual fuel system technology displaces diesel fuel with gaseous fuels such as compressed natural gas, wellhead gas, methane and hydrogen gas. The system measures gaseous fuel flow that is introduced into the air intake engine entry point. The system is configured to optimally displace between 50% up to 70% of the diesel fuel supply required to support the demand load on the engine. A 100% engine load would likely operate at a 50% displacement, whereas an engine load of 75% would operate closer to 70% displacement. Your fuel savings depend upon your power requirements and the gaseous fuel you are using to displace diesel fuel. Further, the fluctuating cost of diesel fuel is a factor in the overall cost savings you will receive.

OptiBlend Increased Runtime - Diesel Displacement
  • Bi-Fuel Diesel Engine Conversion - OptiBlend bi-fuel retrofit system uses a gas train & electronic software device to constantly monitor engine performance & gaseous flow for safe & efficient operation.
  • Optiblend Bi-Fuel Diesel Engine Conversion - Adding a secondary gaseous fuel such as natural gas, propane, methane or hydrogen extends runtime, lowers operating costs & reduce CO2. ROI happens in weeks, not years.
  • Bi Fuel System Components - OptiBlend bi-fuel retrofit system uses a gas train & electronic software device to constantly monitor engine performance & gaseous flow for safe & efficient operation.

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